So today has been a fun day. Got up and got ready to go shopping with mommy. We went to Macy's of course! Mom got me a few things that I wont get until Christmas...then we got my Aunt's gift (we draw names for Christmas and I got my aunt) and so I got her something nice, then we got my dad something and Brynn something...oh and also something for Shelby. And I bought mommy some nice glasses that she wanted which were on sale. We spent a lot, but saved a lot. So it was well worth it! I think daddy and I are going shopping tomorrow for mommy. And mom and I might go back on Monday to get a gift for Jessica's wedding and maybe a few other gifts. My family went to the Christmas party at my uncles (work party) so I was by myself for a while at home tonight. It was nice because I got to sit with the TV off, no computer and just be quiet with my sleeping doggies. Then Brynn came over and we went and got ice cream and a magazine and now I'm helping her work on her project for school. She has to build a website based off of some abstract thing. It's weird. So I created a header for her:

It is kind of strange unless you know what it is about. Basically she is doing it on that in the future something that could be created would be like this arm that creates art like all these old painters used to make and would copy them and combine all their techniques and stuff. It's interesting. We named it Art Arm. haha So yeah, we are working on that right now.
Not much to my day. Just the shopping and quiet time. Oh and the SNOW! I was so happy it snowed. I'm such a little kid...mommy got me one of those count downs for December for each day you count down you get a piece of chocolate. I think that I will get one of those every year...even when I am old because heck, who wouldn't like getting a piece of chocolate every day of December? They should have one for every month of the year!
So swing dancing is tomorrow. I'm not totally sure who all is coming but it should be fun. :-) That's all for to eat ice cream and help Brynn with her project some more.
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