Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Teary eyed morning :-D

So here's what I got for Christmas this morning:

From Peter:
Colbie Callet CD (listening to it now)
Two pairs of really pretty ear rings
Kit Kat's
Sense & Sensibility

And from Mom and Dad:
The Holiday (movie)
All I want for Christmas (movie)
So Sexy Perfume
Fluffy socks
Claire's gift card

White Silk Shirt
two short black jackets
Taylored black jacket
White Coat (short kind)
Green sweater
Two Dresses

And PHOTOSHOP!!!!!!!

So I'm listening to my new CD, playing with photoshop, wearing fluffy socks, eating Kit kat's and planning on going and putting all my clothes on. hahaha I'm also wearing my new bath robe that my grandma gave me...and I also got a I-Tunes gift card from my uncle, a pretty silk shawl from Nepal from Jensine (she just got back from Nepal), my Givinchy perfume from Joyce and then Nana also got me a tea cup & saucer! :-)

So I pretty much made out like a bandit with all this stuff! My GOODNESS! Ohhh and ok so...we got my mom a new ring! Yellow gold, 3 stones, half a caret total and worth $1,000. So dad had it in his pocket the whole time and we waited till everyone had opened everything and we were all just sitting looking at our gifts and stuff. And dad goes, so did everyone open everything? And we're all like..yeah...and he goes to my mom, did you open everything? Lets see...you opened your lotions and such? And goes, "I feel like theres something else for you?" And gets up and walks over to her and starts feeling around his pockets. And mom looks at him kinda funny with a little grin all confused. And he pulls out the ring box and her eyes get all big and he opens it and hands it to her and she gets really really excited and says its so pretty then bursts into tears! It made me tear up too! She was sooo happy and surprised. It's a little small so I'm taking it in tomorrow to get sized so hopefully she can get it back before her side of the family's gathering so she can show it off. Seeing her get that ring made Christmas for me. :-D

But yeah, relaxing day today..playing with the new presents and such. I'll be sure to write more later about what everyone else got too and such. But I wanna play with photoshop more. hehe (that means I'll probably be busy playing with it till like midnight...hehe)

Merry Christmas!!! :-D

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